From the Desk

Holy Week

Sr Bernadette

One of my favorite parts of Holy Week is Holy Thursday. It's a day when Jesus gives us two of the greatest gifts He could ever give: the Eucharist, His Body and Blood, and the ministerial Priesthood. 

As we reflect on Holy Thursday, we see that Jesus foreshadows the sacrifice He is about to make for us in the following days. He takes the bread, which is His Body, and the wine, which is His Blood, and gives thanks before pouring it out for us. Is this not what happens on Good Friday? His body is broken, and His blood spilt for us on the Cross. Every time we hear the words "and gives thanks" during Mass, we are reminded of Jesus' immense love for us. He willingly takes on our sins to save us by His suffering and death. 

On Holy Thursday, Jesus also institutes the Priesthood, which is another amazing gift that He freely gives us out of His love for us. Without priests, there would be no Eucharist, and we would not be able to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus. Priests have a great responsibility, and they need our constant prayer and support. Therefore, this Holy Week, I encourage everyone to take a moment to pray for more vocations to the priesthood and for strength and perseverance for our priests. 
