From the Desk

Faith & Holy Spirit

Fr. Craig

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, every Sunday in the Liturgy of the Word, we stand as a community and profess the Creed, which summarizes the essentials of our life-giving faith that has been poured into our hearts through Holy Baptism. During Easter, we become more aware of the good things God has poured into our lives. By celebrating the Lord’s resurrection, we experience the reality of God’s love in Jesus, who sends us the gift of the Holy Spirit, not just in the past but in the present. The Spirit of Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. However, our baptism is not static but is alive and active. Just as the Spirit inspired the disciples into the world to spread the good news, the Spirit also inspires us to mission and service. In the Acts of the Apostles, we have concrete examples of baptism put into action through the power of the Holy Spirit; they found the boldness to bear witness to the risen Jesus and invite people into a new life full of hope for their future. Let us not be overwhelmed by the state of world events. By our baptism, we have also been empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are no less equipped than the Apostles. Our faith is strengthened by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Sacraments, and it is dynamic—it empowers us. As a community of believers called to continue the mission of Jesus, let us be witnesses of hope, filled with faith and abounding in love for the benefit of our neighbours. 

I remain yours in the Lord.